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This morning after a late evening heavy rain I was greeted with all of these beautiful flowers. I still love the rain but there have been so many days this year when we haven’t been able to work for several days! As always the garden tells me to celebrate nature! I do know the sun is coming back soon : )after the rain may 2016

My Instagram collage! Starting in the left corner going clockwise there is #paprikadaylily #milkandwinecrinumlily #jerusalemsage #catmint #spanishsnapdragons #mingporcelaindaylily #japanesesacredlily #doctorhueyoldrose #australianviolet

(((After The Rain)))

I missed you the other day
When the dew left its diamond glitter upon the grass
And the squirrels and frogs were frolicking merry
When the silence of daybreak calmed
And the sunrise ever warmed
With its gentle rays dancing across my skin
Giving me hints of a fluffy white cloud or two
Promising an entire new day
Of peace and contentment
A perfect day-this
But for the glaring-almost blindingly-blazing
Absence of you

By Theodora (Theo) Onkenhttp

October 20,2010
Dedicated to: Renee Nicole (Rainspirit)

Happy Spring!