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If you have read my blog for a while you will know I love to read and research information on plants. I find as much as I can on the internet and sometimes track down out of print books that come highly recommended. Blooming Bromeliads is one of those books. It was on the expensive side but totally worth all the information and beautiful photographs if you are a bromeliad collector. I hope some day someone will start putting out-of-print books in electronic form so we can all have access to the wealth of information that is stored in them. The pictures are so great that their official site suggest buying the book in Spanish or German and they will include the English translation page by page at no extra charge.

book blooming bromeliads“The BROMELICEAE, a family of monocotyledons, consolidates 3000 species and varieties in 52 genera. Their distribution covers the Neotropics which consists of he regions of Central America between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, occasionally extending to the north and south. These exotic plants have a diversity of shapes and flowers not equaled by other plants in the floral world.” from about book by Baensch and Baensch

Ursula and Ulrich Baensch from Blooming Bromeliads website

Ursula and Ulrich Baensch

“During the past 12 years, “Tropic Beauty” has turned into a bromeliad paradise in which Ursula and Ulrich Baensch live with and for their plants. Besides the cultivation and breeding, both have dedicated themselves to plant photography. Their vast experience in both has resulted in a documentary book where brilliant color photographs are combined with authoritative information. I like this book. The enormous number of illustrated species and hybrids is indeed remarkable. Both authors can be very proud of this grand work.”
– Dr. Elvira Grois, Botanist, Heidelberg

There is much information to be gleaned from Blooming Bromeliads website if you can’t track down a copy of their book.

Here is another bromeliad from my front porch that bloomed last spring. Soon after I found it a new pot and you can see it in the back ground in my blog about Starfish Cactus. It is called Aechmea recurvata var. recurvata – False Tillandsia

Aechmea recurvata var. recurvataThis Aechmea native to South America has a large showy magenta bracts with purple flowers peaking out when it blooms. It’s normal bloom time is mid-spring but can lasts into early summer. It is a small Bromeliad that pups abundantly to form thick tight clumps which can reach 18″ high by 18″ wide. It prefers full sun to light shade – colors best in bright light. I think I would get more color on the leaves if I had more sun on my porch. Aechmeas likes regular watering in a well drained pot. Said to be hardy for short duration down to 20 degrees. So perfect as a outdoor potted plant here in Houston.


I read that this hardy bromeliad is able to withstand salt spray, strong winds and considerable dryness. Great for the beach house that I dream about! Aechmea recurvata var. recurvata

Happy Gardening!